Do nothing…

Taking a break to do nothing can have several benefits in a school setting for both students and teachers. These moments of stillness reduce stress and anxiety while also improving concentration and overall well-being, essentially promoting a more balanced learning…

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School Escape Rooms

Embark on a school escape journey, with little to no preparation. The escape rooms can be played for free and blend puzzles and educational content to create thrilling learning experiences. They also foster critical thinking, collaboration, social cohesion, and problem-solving…

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Taskmaster Tiebreakers

300+ Taskmaster tasks in total. These are the best Taskmaster tiebreakers to do at home or in school. Perfect to promote problem-solving, critical thinking and teambuilding throughout the year or as fun additions to the party. The tasks are sorted…

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Long Taskmaster Tasks

300+ Taskmaster tasks in total. These are the best long (over 30 minutes) Taskmaster tasks to do at home or in school. Perfect to promote problem-solving, critical thinking and teambuilding throughout the year or as fun additions to the party.…

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